Providing the best audible experience through protection, education, and accessibility.
Sets™ was conceptualised in early 2020, when we found ourselves stuffing rolled up toilet paper into our ears at a gig. When we encountered others in the bathroom doing the same thing, we realised it was an ineffective and unglamorous solution to a widely experienced problem.

But without it, unfortunately, dancing by the speaker meant ringing ears after the club. We wished for a better solution; one that was comfortable, reusable, effective and available at dance floors for when you need it most. Something that was design-forward and that we would be proud to pull out on a night out.

Since then, we began reaching for our Sets™ outside of the club, as we recognised how valuable earplugs can be for reducing the volume of everyday life. We wore them to sleep deeper, focus better and take control of how loud we want to hear our world.

Our goal is to spread awareness about how precious our hearing is, for everyone to have access to quality hearing protection, and for wearing earplugs to be a wellness norm.

We welcome a new era of partying, where personal wellness and the wellness of others are valued on the dance floor.

Grace & Em
Emily Janus & Grace Ko
Sets™ Founders
Choose your own volume.
Whether it’s to protect your hearing from damaging decibels, or to create a more peaceful environment, Sets™ earplugs are a necessity for everyday life.